Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shrimping Adventure

Well we made it out shrimping again this year. Seeing as though there are only four days a year to do it we have managed to make it three out of the four. It was a lovely day this past Saturday, the winds and water were calm and the sun actually made a showing too. It doesn't get better than that! Had a really fun day with friends and scored some nice Hood Canal Shrimp to boot. I made shrimp cocktails later that evening. My husband said they were good and I have to take his word for it since I am allergic to shrimp!

Shrimp Cocktail

7-10 Fresh Shrimp
3 ribs of celery
3/4 cups ketchup
1/2 tbsp horseradish
dash of worseshire sauce
fresh squeezed lemon

Boil shrimp with enough water to cover 3-4 minutes. Meanwhile chop celery finely, add to cocktail glass. Mix up the ketchup, horseradish, worsheshire sauce, squeeze of lemon, mix throughly and top the celery with sauce. Rinse, peel shrimp add it to cocktail glass, squeeze small amount of lemon on top, garnish with celery top and wedge of lemon.

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